- You must be alone in the room throughout the exam.
- You are not allowed to talk or read aloud during the exam.
- You must have a clear desk and workspace.
- You will be required to perform a 360 degree room and desk pan using your webcam.
- Your computer must be connected to a power source.
- You may not use your phone or smartwatch during the exam.
- You are not allowed to use more than one monitor during the exam.
- Your webcam, speakers, screenshare, and microphone must remain on throughout the exam.
- You must remain within a clear view of your webcam throughout the exam with adequate lighting.
- You are allowed to use headphones throughout the duration of the exam.
- You are allowed to leave your seat during the exam for a restroom break (this will count against your time).
- If improper testing behavior occurs you will be asked to stop your exam.
- You will receive a pass/fail result at the end of the exam. You will have the option to email the results to yourself.
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