MongoDB Certification exams have a pass/fail grading system that is determined through statistical analysis performed by psychometricians. Candidates must meet a required percentage to pass an exam. MongoDB does not publish the required percentages for our certifications as each exam passing score is determined by unique exam-specific statistical data. Candidates only need to obtain an overall required percentage to pass an exam and do not need to obtain a passing percentage for each specific domain.
Each domain has a specific weighting on the exam, which is shared in percentages within each Exam Study Guide. Domain weightings are determined by a panel of Subject Matter Experts who contributed to the development of the certification. Some domains can have more or less exam questions than others depending on the analysis of knowledge and skills required to show competency during the Job Task Analysis for the certification.
Upon completion of an exam, candidates will receive a score report that states whether they passed or failed the exam, in addition to the total percentage correct for each domain. The purpose of the score report is to provide candidates with data behind their strengths and where improvements can be made in their performance.
Candidates will receive one point for each scored exam question that is answered correctly. Periodically there are extra exam questions called unscored exam questions that do not impact your score. MongoDB field tests potential new exam questions and analyzes their statistical performance before determining if they should be used as scored exam questions on a future exam. The unscored items are not identified to avoid bias.
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